




autors: / julia borovaya - art / sergey kasich - sound / evgeniy vaschenko - sound (in the 2-nd one video) / vadim smakhtin - programming / edward rakhmanov - chemical consultant /

SOLVATION - a molecular-dynamic process. Enveloping the active substance molecules of fat.
CH3 (CH2) 14COOH - a key component of milk fat, palmitic acid
C12H25SO4Na - detergent (sodium dodetsilsulfonat)


This presentation is completely live. An artist adds various reagents in small portions to a chemical process to the fluid phase floating on the surface of a liquid. Thus, the color, shape, and texture of the fluid components are dynamically changed and create artistic abstraction. The process, transmitted through the web-camera, generates sound by given algorithm. A computer program captures the dynamics of the situation and creates LIQUID~DO

LIQUID~DO may be associated with LIBIDO in the context of energy deliberation from a liquid substance, the chemical process. The energy is interpreted by the sound. The potential of the liquid is represented by the sound. If in a human it is "sexual potential", then in a liquid it is different. We are interested in the nature of self-organization, both visual and audible, and the way these two areas interact with each other in a liquid system.

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